Move day was fairly uneventful. We did pass a car towing a weird something. Turns out it's a glider trailer. To find out, I caught up to them at a stop light, waved them down, and asked. Yep, I'm that guy.
Our first impressions with pulling into Clerbrook Golf & RV Resort weren't great. Lots of park models that were turned into little houses and a handful of sites that we drove past were pretty rough looking. Pulling into our spot gave us a gorgeous tree to park under and the 2 houses on either side of us housed wonderful people. Truly, it was like camping next to Grandma and Grandpa. And the spoils of it were wonderful- a big basket of strawberries and homemade strawberry jam. It was beyond yummy!
The playground is pretty basic, but the kids had a good time (well, except for Logan in that first picture!).
I can't believe I have no pictures, but we had my cousin Anna and her wife Amy come out for dinner. Well, I can believe it- it's one of those times where we enjoyed the company and visit more than grabbing the camera. Fortunately, it wasn't our last visit and I do have pictures of other visits.
I was pretty surprised to see that there is a full woodshop near one of the pools. They had any tool that you could possibly imagine. And, other than a waiver- anyone can use it. They even have one of the fancy SawStop table saws that stop instantly if your finger touches the blade. Pretty neat offering for a RV park.
We swam in one of their 3 pools.
I don't travel often, but I had to go to Cincinnati for work. I left Mandie and the kids behind and had a whirlwind couple of days in Ohio. As expected, my pictures primarily revolve around food + drink!
First meal, Outback at the airport with plastic utensils:

Then the hotel offered free cookies + I bought ice cream:

My clothing was pretty plain:

Yummy drinks:

Then the hotel offered free cookies + I bought ice cream:

My clothing was pretty plain:

Yummy drinks:

Getting back was no exception- we headed straight from the airport to get Mellow Mushroom which after having it for the first time in Tampa has become a family favorite. Fortunately, no kid vomit this time (though our waiter DID remember us!).
We then had dinner with Anna and Amy again. This time we went into Disney and had dinner at Port Orleans. Afterwards, we did some shopping at Disney Springs.
Over the weekend, we finally went fishing! I have carried fishing rods from day #1 and we hadn't gotten them out yet. Logan got to wet his Christmas rod for the first time. The kids learned- they call it fishing and not catching, as we barely got a nibble! The irony is that as we were wrapping up and throwing our excess bread in, a couple of sizable catfish were giving us a fun show (video + video). Heading back to the truck, we saw an alligator in one of the ponds (which, I'm fairly certain is my first wild alligator ever!). Once we stood at the side of the pond for more than a minute, it slowly started making its way to us which made us turn and beelined it to the truck. Clearly it's fed because as soon as we turned around, it stopped swimming towards us. Tsk, tsk, people!
We headed into Disney again and enjoyed a little more of the Food & Garden Festival. This time we did the Easter Egg Hunt where Disney oversized Easter Eggs throughout the World Showcase. It was a first for us and we had a good time. And! Anna and Amy joined us for the day.
The stay at Clerbrook went pretty quick and our 3 weeks were up before too long.
I had to laugh at this passive aggressive display at the dumpsters. Sitting in front of a sign that says "Absolutely nothing should be left on the ground here! No exceptions!" is a chair which someone wrote a note that reads, "Seat provided for people who can't read English!" So much angst...
We made our way down to Wauchula, FL to Thousand Trail's Peace River campground.
They can't be hardened by warmth treatment, but may be hardened significantly by cold-working. Grade 316L is an austenitic is an extra-low carbon, chromium, nickel chrome steel containing molybdenum. This addition will increase general corrosion resistance, improves resistance to pitting from chloride ion solutions, and supplies increased power at elevated temperatures. Properties are just like these of Type 304 except that this alloy is somewhat stronger at elevated temperatures. Corrosion resistance is improved, notably towards sulphuric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic and CNC machining tartaric acids; acid sulphates and alkaline chlorides. 300 sequence stainless sheets of steels are the largest subgroup of austenitic stainless steels.