We were in York for exactly 1 month.
Hilariously, I was nervous about driving such a big vehicle! Mandie told me I was stupid. |
We got there on Saturday and on Tuesday, Grandpa Alan and I went and fetched all of our belongings that went to storage just before we took off on this adventure.
We got back to York and were greeted by an awesome team at storage. Lisa was back at the house watching a couple of kids. Paige, Grandpas Pedro and Alan, Aunt Tara, Kayla, Travis, and Trinity helped unload the trucks into 2 storage units and then into Alan and Lisa’s garage. Pizza for dinner was everyone’s payment.
Friday's view- a garage full of boxes that she just started scratching the surface. |
Once everything was in York, we spent 3 weeks busting ass. Mandie priced all 700,000 small items and I got to work selling the big stuff to family and friends, on OfferUp, Facebook Marketplace (and yardsale groups), and Craigslist. Thanks to Danyiel for coming to visit a few nights and being put to work! A second special thanks to Danyiel for rescuing Paige from storage one day!
A rainy day for pickups. |
It rained so hard, I had to close the door in order to stay dry. |
Alan and Lisa graciously hosted the yardsale. This is a ton of work for them- not only do they have to price and prep their own stuff, the garage gets cleared out, big items get stored, and their house becomes a chaotic staging ground. Then the canopies go up and tables get setup to turn the garage, driveway, and a portion of the yard into the Setzer/Harrison/Lloyd Store!
Paige and Lisa pricing and tagging clothes |
And then we started unpacking boxes of things that were priced and prepped. We spent hours getting things setup.
As of now, we have just a handful of things in Alan and Lisa’s basement and down to just a single 10x10 storage unit. When we come back through town, we’ll switch to a temperature controlled 5x10 unit. And I expect we’ll be able to get around in it.
This is it. We added two 8' tables and a handful of empty bins. |
This unit was stacked high and tight. And now I've already given it back to the storage unit company. |
Can you believe that in the middle of all of that, we celebrated Memorial Day, Mandie’s girlfriend’s daughter’s high school graduation, Logan’s 6th birthday, celebrated our 3rd nomadiversary, hung out at camp with family and friends, did camper projects, celebrated Mandie and my's 17th anniversary, and probably more!
We came in for Chloe's graudation. Here's Mandie and Danyiel and their kids. |
Paige's Twin from Another Mother - Chloe |
Logan turned 6. |
Tara took a bunch of kids and Weizer to the river. |
Weizer just hangs out on a float. Cracked me up. |
JJ and I hung out with Weizer after most everyone went to the pool. |
We all 4 got hair cuts. |
Alan trimmed back the cover over the pin box. |
The kids drove Matchbox Cars (from the attic to the main level). |
Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife. |
Cousin Kyle babysat and guided me through my first oil change. |
Pool day on Father's Day. |
Our Campsite. |
A treat after day 1 of yardsaling. |
Logan and his cousin on day 2 of the yardsale. |
Before we knew it, 2 days of the sale were done. Anything that didn't sell went to the Salvation Army. It wasn't much- our stuff, Alan and Lisa's stuff, and a small smattering of things from the rest filled the back of their 4 Runner and Camry. Mandie's brother's family took most of their stuff home. That's it. All told, it was quite the successful sale.
On Sunday, we had hit our 3 weeks at the campground so we took the camper back to Alan and Lisa's house for a day of wrap up. And by Monday night, we were camped overnight at a Walmart in Somerset, PA.
Thanks Walmart! Quiet and fairly level. |
And by Tuesday, we had our prize - a lazy afternoon with the Jacobs!
Dawn, Chris, Mandie, and me. |